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VP Chauhan, G Yazbek Grobman, N Vidavsky, JD Rimer, 2024, Time-Resolved Dynamics of Calcium Oxalate Dihydrate Crystallization, Cryst. Growth Des.

S Gal, MJ Pavan, N Vidavsky, 2024, Characterization of dolomite and calcite microcalcifications in human breast tissue, RSC Advances, 14, 28741 - 28752

L Gotnayer, Y Nahmias, G Yazbek Grobman, L Friedlander, D Aranovich, U Yoel, N Vidavsky, 2024, The interplay between crystallinity and the levels of Zn and carbonate in synthetic microcalcifications directs thyroid cell malignancy, J. Mater. Chem. B, 12 (18), 4509-4520

Y Nahmias, G Yazbek Grobman, N Vidavsky, 2024, Inhibiting pathological calcium phosphate mineralization: Implications for disease progression, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 16 (15), 18344-18359

O Bronner-Shtrauchler, E Nativ-Roth, D Sevilla Sanchez, M Zaiden, N Vidavsky, 2024, Multimodal characterization of the collagen hydrogel structure and properties in response to physiologically relevant pH fluctuations, Acta Biomater., 178,1, 170-180


A Cohen, L Gotnayer, S Gal, D Aranovich, N Vidavsky, 2023, Multicellular spheroids containing synthetic mineral particles: an advanced 3D tumor model system to investigate breast precancer malignancy potential according to the mineral type, J. Mater. Chem. B, 11, 8033-8045

L Gotnayer, D Aranovich, M Fraenkel, U Yoel, N Vidavsky, 2023, Zinc in microscopic calcifications isolated from thyroid fine needle aspiration may serve as a biomarker of thyroid nodule malignancy: a promising proof-of-concept, Acta Biomater., 161, 275-284


N Vidavsky, JAMR Kunitake, LA Estroff, 2021, Multiple pathways for pathological calcification in the human body, Adv. Healthc. Mat., 2001271


AG Shtukenberg, R Drori, E Sturm, N Vidavsky, A Haddad, J Zheng, L Estroff, E Efrati, H Weissman, SG Wolf, E Shimoni, C Li, N Fellah, B Kahr, 2020, Crystals of benzamide, the first polymorphous molecular compound, are helicoidal, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 132, 34

JM Noble, LM Roberts, N Vidavsky, AE Chiou, C Fischbach, MJ Paszek, LA Estroff, LF Kourkoutis, 2020, Direct comparison of optical and electron microscopy methods for structural characterization of extracellular vesicles, J. Struct. Biol., 210, 1


N Vidavsky, JAMR Kunitake, ME Diaz-Rubio, AE Chiou, H Loh, S Zhang, A Masic, C Fischbach, LA Estroff, 2019, Mapping and profiling lipid distribution in a 3D model of breast cancer progression, ACS Central Science, 5,5


N Vidavsky, JAMR Kunitake, AE Chiou, PA Northrup, T Porri, L Ling, C Fischbach, LA Estroff, 2018, Studying biomineralization pathways in a 3D culture model of breast cancer microcalcifications, Biomaterials, 179, 71


N Vidavsky, S Addadi, A Schertel, D Ben-Ezra, M Shpigel, L Addadi, S Weiner, 2016, Calcium transport into the cells of the sea urchin larva: implications for spicule formation, P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 113, 45

N Vidavsky, A Akiva, I Kaplan-Ashiri, K Rechav, L Addadi, S Weiner, A Schertel, 2016, Cryo-FIB-SEM serial milling and block face imaging: large volume structural analysis of biological tissues preserved close to their native state, J. Struct. Biol., 196, 3


N Vidavsky, A Masic, A Schertel, S Weiner, L Addadi, 2015, Mineral-bearing vesicle transport in sea urchin embryos, J. Struct. Biol., 192, 3


N Vidavsky, S Addadi, J Mahamid, E Shimoni, D Ben-Ezra, M Shpigel, S Weiner, L Addadi, 2014, Initial stages of calcium uptake and mineral deposition in sea urchin embryos, P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 111,1

A Gal, K Kahil, N Vidavsky, RT. DeVol, P U. P. A. Gilbert, P Fratzl, S Weiner, L Addadi, 2014, Particle accretion mechanism underlies biological crystal growth from an amorphous precursor phase, Adv. Funct. Mater., 24, 34


L Addadi, N Vidavsky, S Weiner, 2012, Transient precursor amorphous phases in biomineralization. In the footsteps of Heinz A. Lowenstam, Z. Kristallogr, 227,11

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Dept. of Chemical Engineering

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